
Logo Govtech polska

We advise on new technologies and the SMART CITY concept

We are pleased to announce that, in cooperation with Małopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (MARR), we will support local governments participating in the implementation of the pilot project GovTech inno_LAB financed by the Smart Growth Operational Program, by providing pro-innovative consulting services in the field of new technologies and the smart city concept.

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Kod pod lupą

We develop processes for EZD RP based on the BPMN Camunda platform

Continuation of business process modeling - this time we analyze, model and simulate business processes for the Scientific and Academic Computer Network - National Research Institute (NASK-PIB), which implements the project called "EZD RP - electronic documentation management in public administration", co-financed by funds from the European Regional Development Fund and from the state budget under Measure 2.2. "Digitization of back-office processes in government administration" of Priority Axis II "E-administration and open government" of the Operational Program Digital Poland for 2014-2020.

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Modernizacja Miejskiej Sieci Szerokopasmowej w Bielsku-Białej

Modernization of the Municipal Broadband Network in Bielsko-Biała

ThinkIt is not slowing down and once again starts working in Bielsko-Biała. This time we will provide consulting services in the implementation of the Passive Optical Network (PON) technology in the Municipal Broadband Network (MBN) in Bielsko-Biała.

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10 lat Thinkit

ITS in Bielsko-Biała: innovation on a European scale

In the previous year, we acted as a Contract Engineer in the expansion of the Intelligent Transport System in Bielsko-Biała.

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10 lat Thinkit

ThinkIT Consulting celebrates 10 years of its activity!

Beginning of 2022 means for ThinkIT Consulting beginning of another decade of activity!

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Płatność kartą

E-ticket for public transport in Grudziąd

We are starting another project - this time the ThinkIt team will support the city of Grudziądz in implementing the Resident Card System based on an electronic public transport ticket.

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